bout the Institute

The idea of ‘Symbiosis’ is nurtured by Dr. S. B. Mujumdar on the principles of Vedic thought ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ which means ‘World as One Family’. Symbiosis Law School (SLS) Hyderabad was established in 2014 inheriting splendid novelty, dynamism and excellence in the education of Symbiosis International University, Pune.

bout the Centre

Established in 2018, the Centre for Corporate and Competition Law (CCCL) is a student-run centre aiming to provide a platform for students of the institute to explore and learn more about the nuances of Corporate and Competition Law, and to prepare them for the corporate world. To advance our agenda, CCCL has been successful in conducting multiple landmark events in the history of our institute, which has carved a niche corner for our centre within the legal fraternity. Amongst others, CCCL conducted our flagship event, the first-ever National Corporate Restructuring Competition in India in 2019. We have also spread our roots into banking law by conducting a three-day value-added course on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Over the past two years, we have invited eminent personalities like Mr. Dhanendra Kumar, first Chairperson of the CCI and Dr. K. D. Singh, Joint Secretary for Law at CCI conduct webinars on relevant topics.

bout The Events

There will be a total of two event that will be hosted by the Centre.

a. A One-Day National E-Conference b. A National Discussion

bout The E-Conference

In the modern economy, the corporate sector has been assigned the leadership for ensuring the growth process. To carry forward the growth, the companies in India require a conducive legal environment with appropriate corporate and commercial laws.

The developed countries and the transnational economic institutions like WTO need to have an ease of business and trade to work in. By taking giant steps, India has moved into the top 100 rankings in the World Bank’s ‘Doing Business 2019’ fact sheet. Laws and regulations governing the incorporation and running of business is undergoing rapid change.

The impetus for such flux came from changes in the world economy, advancements in information technology and the opening of world economy. While at some points, regulations need to provide more flexibility, at others, there is a need for strengthening the laws.

The National E-Conference Seeks:

∙       To provide an interactive forum to engage in the discourse on emerging trends in corporate and competition laws in India;

∙       To facilitate a better understanding of policy and legal problems that are to be identified during the discussions;

∙       To create a network among the academicians, researchers, students and industry (particularly those working in the area of commercial law) so as to develop an environment for the exchange of ideas between academia and industry.

∙       To explore the possibility of undertaking collaborative research including all the participants.

Main Themes

Changing contours of market regulation – what lies ahead of the big antitrust investigation.


1.              Navigating antitrust issues in digital markets – Regulating anti-competitive conduct of AI, intermediaries, OTT platforms.

2.              Blockchain and competition regulation – Demystifying the anti-competitive nature of smart contracts.

3.              Analyzing the relevance of non-price factors in determining the abuse of dominance by the CCI.

4.              Competition issues in the e-commerce sector – Regulating gatekeeping, unfair contractual terms and exclusive agreements.

5.              Intersection of competition law with other areas of law – navigating concurrence or any potential conflicts.

6.              Way forward for anti-trust enforcement in India – Key takeaways and comparative analysis of the Indian anti-trust regime with respect to foreign jurisdictions

7.              Competition Compliance in the COVID-19 Era – Challenges and Way Forward

8.              Merger Control (Minority acquisitions; differential thresholds, on- market transactions, decisive influence)

9.              Settlements, Agreements, Cartels and Leniency (Competition Amendment Bill 2020)

10.           Impact of new technologies on Competition (Innovation, Digital Markets and Big Data and Convergence of online and offline markets)

Submission Categories would be:

∙       Articles (4,000 – 6,000 words) would be proposed to be comprehensive publications that would analyse important themes, and may adopt comparative perspectives. Co-authorship (Up to 2 authors) is permitted.

∙       Essays (3,000 – 4,000 words) would be proposed to be typically identified issues, dealt with, specifically, which may be of contemporary relevance, and present a central argument. Co-authorship (Up to 2 authors) is allowed

∙       Case Notes, Legislative Comments, Book/Article Reviews (1,500 – 3,000 words). Co-authorship is not allowed.

Submission Guidelines would be:

All original submissions would be asked to be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. The abstract would expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the submission, beyond the existing available literature, and the practical utility of his/her recommendations.Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two authors. However, co-authorship would not be allowed in cases of Case Comments, Legislative Comments and Book Reviews.Abstract (not exceeding 300 words ) should be attached as a word file in the link given below which would be peer reviewed before they are accepted.Link for abstract submission:- Following the selection of their abstracts, the authors shall be informed about further guidelines in submitting the full research paper.

Who can attend (prospective audience and submitters):

This conference is aimed at students, educators, researchers, academicians and practitioners in the area of Corporate and Commercial Laws and scholars from the legal and business fraternity.

The conference will have a balance of lectures and presentations from the academic as well as the practitioners’ perspective and will have experts from the field.

It is aimed at creating a platform for exchange, debate and development of ideas and emerging issues in the area of Corporate and Commercial Laws.

Important Dates:

∙       Last date for Abstract Submission: 18th Oct 2021

∙       Communication for Acceptance of Abstract: 22nd Oct 2021

∙       Final Date of Online Registration along with full applicable Payment: 30th Oct 2021

∙       Submission of Full Paper: 19th Nov 2021

∙       Date of Conference: 28th Nov 2021

Registration Fees:

Rs 300/- per registration


All the presenters shall receive Participation Certificates and the Best Manuscript, Best presenter of each technical session shall receive Certificates of Merit along with other prizes.

Event Brochure: 

CCCL Brochure: 

bout the National Discussion

The centre is conducting a national discussion on ‘challenges in online contracts: an international perspective”, 17th October, 2021.The event aims to provide a platform for the participants to have an intellectual discussion on the given theme amongst themselves. This event will have a total maximum of 20 participants, including students and professionals, who will come together to express their views on the given topic. Selected participants are expected to do thorough research on the subject and associated topics. The panellist will be facilitating the discussion and proving insights wherever requires. She shall also guide the participants and assess their performance. 

To register for the national discussion fill in the google form attached below. 

Theme: “Challenges in Online Contracts: An International Perspective”

Date: 17th October, 2021.

Time: 12:30p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Platform: Will be intimated on confirmation of participation. 

Last day to register: 11th October 2021 before 11.59 p.m.

Registration Link:

About the Panelist for the Discussion

Dr. P. Sree Sudha is the Assistant Professor at Damodaram Sanjevayya National Law University (DSNLU), Visakhapatnam. She has completed her LL.D (2016) from National Law School of Indian University, Bangalore. Her areas of specialization are International Trade Laws, E-commerce Law, Intellectual Property Law and Tax Law. She has been the recipient of Four gold medals from Andhra Pradesh University for scoring the highest marks in B.L. Addition to this she has also been a visiting faculty to GITAM School of International Business, GITAM University and has been the Assistant-editor for Journal Academy of Jursitical Studies. 

You can check her profile at:

Who can Attend?

Professionals and students from the Legal fraternity. E-certificates will be provided to all the participants.

Email us at [email protected] to clear your queries.

For more details on our activities, you may follow our LinkedIn and Instagram (@cccl_slsh) Pages.  

Link to Brochure: 

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